
Mar 20, 2007

my desktop went boinkers

i booted up my pc to start working but nothing happens. no green lights. i switched from one plug to another - nothing happens.

mark said it might be just the power supply thingy because i still have not replace the boinkers ups. i want to scrape my lazy ass. hopefully, it's just the power supply. please not my harddrive, oh my pictures!

so i decided not to work today because i don't feel comfy using laptop - i feel it's so crammed up. but any thing just to multiply. =) i mean, i'm so up and about right now. it's hard to go back to sleep, so better multiply.

oh, i'll watch stranger than fiction. =)


Ashley Icamen said...

our pc went boinkers as well!
it wouldn't "recognize" my usb flash drive this afternoon!
& i had a lot of important files for work on my flash drive!
but at least it's working now.
i don't know what the heck happened earlier.

Michael John said...

boink.ers. hope your pc gets well. i had a boinkerous experience last month myself. heehee