
Jul 4, 2016

Keyword: Professional Blogger

According to my google ads, I have earned much enough clicks to qualify as a PROFESSIONAL BLOGGER. 

So from now on, I am going to act like a legit PRO BLOGGER. I will fake it; I will make it.

Which photo should I post on my instagram for my #OOTD #fashionblogger?

Perfect chest-out
Too much bent
Look candid! (The photographer was already annoyed.)

Check-in to some fancy place that makes producing 500-word-insert-keywords-thrice article such a fancy job. 

My office for today! Coffee shop is out, co-working space is in. 

And, the thing that will legitimize me as a legit BLOGGER -- CAMERA. Never mind that I only know the "automatic" setting nor could figure where is the flash as long as I dangle a camera. This will put me in the upper echeleon of legit bloggers.

Then, the events. Legit bloggers are always busy hopping from one fancy event to another. They're in demand.

This, I need to work harder. I really do not get invited to fancy events for lifestyle / fashion / travel media / bloggers. 

I mostly get invites to running / triathlon media presscons, where most of the time I'm the only "blogger" (because they don't really know what label they should give me) while the rest are legit sports writers / journalists and photographers from different media outlets.  

Running / triathlon events presscons are straight to the point: discussion, short Q&A, photo ops, snacks/food, dismissed. If you've been to 1 sports presscon, it's basically all the same content. Then sports writers are also pretty straightforward kind of people -- beat their submission deadline. There's no #fashionblogger poses or chika2x kind of intermissions. Sports presscons are not exactly the fancy kind of media event.

But, hey, they're cool! :)

So while waiting for my break to up to that celebrity blogger level, let me work on my photography skills.
Don't forget to like, follow, share me! 

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