
May 6, 2005

waaaahhhh... what a cruel world!!!

i was on leve for a week from the office for some family vacation, well most like of baby sitting for 1 week but i truly enjoyed it... and, when i came back to the office, i was pretty excited to check my multiply account. and what a surprise dismay, page cannot be displayed!!! damn!!! that's why i'm not posting here any more and cannot even acess... huhuhuhuh...

byebye multiply berks!!! huhuhuhu

Apr 15, 2005

happy pregnancy!

when you are pregnant, you must have a happy disposition because it would affect the baby and this and that. in the first place, who wants not to be happy?

but there's a point when you're too tired to be happy. and it doesn't help when you were not able to have a good sleep for 8 months now and counting. and it doesn't help when you have a baby who wakes up in the middle of the night asking for some milk, or some "pikpik", or some carrying and rocking, and then wakes up very early morning (for your younger sibling's sake, go back to sleep miguel) and you have to wake up too because he wants to go out and play already. and it doesn't help when you have a  super active baby, who cannot stay in one place. and it doesn't help when you have a very insensitive husband! and it doesn't help when sometimes you cannot go to sleep early because the baby is still up or your husband demands to accompany him while watching his fave show! and it doesn't help when your baby only takes short naps, just when you're about to take your nap, your baby's is wide awake! and it doesn't help when you feel like you're so bloated, and all your comfy clothes are not comfy anymore and you still don't feel like wearing maternity dresses because you just gotten over those dresses. and it doesn't help that you do not see your friends always so you have no one who will listen to your rants any more even though they don't understand what you're talking about because they are still single and enjoying life and their only concern is how to hook up with their dream boy (exagge but then). and it doesn't help when you don't know what you are going to do after giving birth to the 2nd baby. and it doesn't help when you don't know how to make some time for yourself, and i really don't know. and it doesn't help when you don't have some extra help/hand on weekends, except for your husband but i don't want to complain on that anymore because i know he's trying his best to help but for some unknown i'm still frustrated. and, i repeat, it doesn't help when your husband is insensitive, and i assume he thinks mothers do not get tired!

my point here is i badly need a good undisturbed sleep at least once a month. 8 hours straight or even 6 hours is already a holy one! i'm now on my breaking point!!! this monring, i actually throw some tantrums where i actually roll on the floor and shout and cry! and, i still don't feel better now, and i don't like it that i'm still not happy! i'm so drained!

i know this is petty compared to other people's problem. imagine those mothers with more than 6 childrens in a row! do they also have tantrums? but, please just let me have this one.

Apr 12, 2005

the 3 stooges!

the models (l-r): miggy (7 months), bosley (5 months), kalil (1 year old & 3 months)

at the back: nadja, the stagemother!

bosley: hey miggy, face the camera!

miggy: your mom, let her sit beside us, too!

kalil: i'm smiling! let's get this done!

the actors now facing the camera. our best smiles!

miggy: how about this smile?

bosley: geez, they're trying to make us look like a bunch of crazies in here!

kalil: hey bosley's mom, wanna join with us?

kalil: enough of this nonsense!

the 3: no more smiles for you!

Apr 6, 2005

of weewee and injections...

i went to HP clinic today for my urinalysis and CBC for my pregnancy. urinalysis to check if i have UTI, and CBC for i don't know - maybe to determine your sugar level, i'm not really sure.

these are some of the things i don't like about being pregnant, all the medical tests you're required to have. but for the sake and love for your baby, you have to do it.

i don't like getting a urinalysis because i can't seem to aim my pee perfectly at the little plastic cup the clinic provided which they require to have it filled up halfway. well, i don't find it grossy but i just don't like the feeling of pee all over your hands. maybe, this would be easier for the boys.

cbc and anything that requires needles just suck big time! i really hate needles. i know it's just like some ant bites but still the thought of being pricked by a needle, and blood being sucked is just too much for me! see, i'm already scared with the little needles how much more the needles in the operating room!!!

Apr 4, 2005

the long wait...

queuing  for miguel's 7-month check-up!

on line with us that day is this cute li'l baby below!

miguel's first jollibee trip!

because it's his 5th month, we thought of celebrating it! in jollibee! but no jobbee for miggy! =))) this is kinda very late post, miguel's going to be 8 months soon! nwyz, i've got nothing to post or do.

me, sooo hungryyy!!! the line at the miguel's pedia clinic can be so long and his pedia can be sooo late! only if his pedia is not good, i'm really gonna look for another one!

hello?!? where's my share! this is supposed to be my day!

i don't know if miguel would be proud of this picture! it's yay for me! but for the sake of documenting miguel's first, we have to do this! =)

a quote i stumbled on some mommy blogs


Before you were conceived, I wanted you.
Before you were born, I loved you.
Before you were here an hour, I would die for you.
This is the miracle of love.

-- Maureen Hawkins

Mar 31, 2005

pregnancy update

3+ months preggy on this picture. my tummy is already big. but i doubt it's the baby that makes my tummy big. it's just fats! fats from my first pregnancy and my stocked unburned fats! for all we know, the baby at 3 months is just as big as your thumb. but stilll, i have the reason to be fat and big and eat a lot because i'm pregnant! how i wish, i could just deliver my baby healthy and well now so i don't have to go through the exhausting 9 months!

based on my previous ultrasound, my expected due date is sept. 10, which is like exactly 1 year and 1 month after miguel's delivery. miguel was born on aug. 10, 2004. so i talk to my OB about having it on sept. 10 so that miguel and the new baby will have the same date for monthly check up. practical right? but my OB said how about sept. 8 because it's Mama Mary's birthday! so i think we're going to have a baby MARIA soon. how about MARIEA, to add some twist to the name! =))) but definitely not MARIAH! =))) that's if we're going to have a girl.

the holy thursday to easter sunday get away!

we went home to badian, tagging along an officemate with her family. for some get-away from the city and also for the good friday family tradition at home! we host dinner for the (acting) apostles after the "prusisyon". well, it was originally my lola's sort-of offering which then her sons and daughter-in-laws took over then when she was too old to do the preparations. and, missing it and not being home at that day is like committing a major crime!

and, the pictures! it's in my BNH's computer, and i don't know how to extract them and post them in here without him posting it first on their server! mind you, we do not have a telephone line at home! i'm never going to get one because my BNH is notorious with internet usage! so you think i'm typing this now at work? then just keep your answer to your self. =)))

Mar 30, 2005

every mother should know

10 things every mother to be should know

My local pg magazine has an article entitled ’10 things every mother to be should know’, so I eagerly turned to the article, wondering how they would manage to articulate that over-whelming, terrifying newborn stage.  Alas, it was a bunch of naff* stuff that didn’t really say much.  So I decided to adapt theirs, and add a few of mine.

So here is ‘10 things every new mother should know’ Tertia style:

1.  Don’t rush home from hospital!Enjoy your stay in hospital!  Do NOT be too quick to rush home.  Never again (unless you are Rich and Famous) will you have people change your linen for you, bring you food, take away the dirty dishes, watch your baby if you need it, allow you to sleep if you want, answer your questions etc.  Act like a queen while you are there, take full advantage and enjoy those few days because…

2.  Homecoming is f***ing hard.
You know that wonderful fuzzy image of you and husband, sitting there bathed in light, cooing at your gorgeous, quiet newborn?  Doesn’t happen.  Replace aforementioned picture with image of non-sleeping / screaming infant – screaming because…g*d knows why; husband screaming because child is screaming; you screaming because you are bloody exhausted and wish the baby / husband would shut up.  The first few days are damn scary, because…..

3.  Babies cry for no apparent reason
Yes, they cry because they are hungry, tired, wet etc.  But sometimes they cry for no apparent reason. And it drives you crazy.  You will be tempted to tell your baby to SHUT UP.  I am sure if they could talk they would give you a perfectly good reason, like ‘I am scared.  I am tired.  Your breath smells revolting, what the hell did you eat for lunch?  I hate you. You suck as a mother’ etc, but because they can’t talk, you will be at your wits end.  Plus you will have the added extreme annoyance of your husband saying ‘but why is he crying?’  As if by giving birth / adopting, you can suddenly translate baby crying into the local dialect.  When you gave birth / adopted the Dr gave you a manual and said ‘here, just use this handy manual to interpret all those screams into English, in case your husband asks you ‘why is he crying’’.  You will want to kill your husband.  This is common, because….

4.  Your husband might, or might not, turn out to be as your expectedSome husbands are really good at this baby stuff, some aren’t.  Don’t be too upset or disappointed.  Rather be realistic and if he isn’t good at some stuff, let him do other stuff.  Work out what works for you.  Remember as well, husbands can be extremely annoying at the best of times, this is magnified when you have a baby.  Of course it doesn’t help that…

5.  You will not sleep.  Ever again.
Yes, some babies sleep through from six weeks.  Yours probably wont.  And you might think you know what it is like to have a few sleepless nights way back from your college days.  This is different. This is relentless, this is night after night.  Never again will you feel so tired.  Being so tired means that…

6.  You will lose 80% of your brain.
It might, or might not come back again.  We have yet to find out.  The remaining 20% is there to (hopefully) remember how to feed and look after your baby.  There is not much left for any thing else.  As a result….

7.  You will look like shit for a while after the birth
No, you will not fit into your pre-pregnancy clothes for a while.  Unless you are famous and have a personal trainer, or you are Naturally Thin.  In both cases we hate you.  Bitch.  Do not make the same mistake I made and bring ‘thin’ clothes to wear home from the hospital.  Or else, like me, you will have to go home in your pajamas and embarrass your husband by having to walk from the maternity wing, through reception in your PJ pants and slip slops.  You however, will not care because…

8.  You become priority number 999 on your list of things to do
Yes a happy mother makes a happy child and you should look after yourself blah blah blah….. There isn’t enough time to eat, sleep and shave your legs.  To be honest, sleeping is way more important than having hair-free legs.  It’s not as if you will be having sex soon because…

9.  Sex will be the furthest thing on your mind
Sex?  Are you bloody mad?  Who the hell feels like sex with in the first year after the birth, when you are bone tired, covered in spit up and old milk?  Your husband, the poor deprived bastard, that’s who.  And because you feel so sorry for the poor bugger you will have to give in occasionally.  You will do the deed with one ear open, listening for the baby, thinking of a million things you should be doing, because

10.  Your life will never be the same again.It is no longer about you, your whole life has changed and it is now all about this new little life you brought into this world.  And you know what, in spite of every thing, it is pretty fucking amazing!

Enjoy!  But don’t say I didn’t warn you.


Mar 18, 2005

finally, we switch!

we finally find out the real culprit behind miguel's constipation after 1 month of battle. can you imagine being cosntipated for 1 month? after putting him on a fruit (mostly papaya)/veggie diet (apples and bananas not allowed), he was still constipated. so we deduced, it must be the milk! so from enfapro, he is now on nan 2! his poopoo business is now back to normal - the typical soft-moisty poo! also good, because we are now on a lesser expensive milk formula (like P100 less). damn that feakin' expensive enfapro milk for miguel's constipation!

isn't that great, more savings and better poo business! with the P100 less, i could buy a a pack of 12 large pampers baby dry disposable diaper. =) (by the way, where are the pack of 20+ large pampers dry? there's less and less stock of pampers baby dry on grocery shelves these days.)

but it does me thinking, does formula really matters in child's development? think about a constipated genius child? hehehhe

Mar 17, 2005

my husband is blogging

can you believe that? well, he is. and he's posting pictures of me (taken by him) in some awkward positions (not what you think, of course) and also awkward faces.

he's been nagging me to tell my friends (accdg. to him, he has not that much of friends) about his blog so he'd get a lot of traffic. of course not, i'm not crazy, unless he'll get rid of my pictures. but honestly, i just can't share to other people the other side of my BNH. because he's way too corny, and he might reveal some awkward stuff in his blog which my friends may find eew eew. =)))

i'm just so surprised that he has some liking for this kind of stuff. you know i find blogging a bit mushy/sappy. and it's so not my husband.

one day, i might give in and beg you people here to visit his blog. you don't have to read his posts. just visit it for the traffic. =)))

Mar 16, 2005


fresh from sleep. yes, that's how early riser miguel is. the only picture where i think look at least human. it doesn't show much of my humungous self. =) see the bangs. =)

miguel smiling and trying to get away from his retarded-looking papa...

i think miguel looks more like me. doncha agree? everybody says he looks like his papa which i disagree... you know, mother knows best!

7 months...

this is miguel's morning rituals, taken on the very first day on his 7th month. i don't know but he still looks like 4 months to me.

by the way, i took these pictures. i'm so proud of my self becuase i was able to get a good smile from miguel. and also, can you see his two upper front teeth! they're quite big. well, mark and i have big teeths!

they said i'm going to have a baby girl because miguel's nipples are "liki" (split, whatever!).

when would miguel realize that a sippy is for drinking water, it's not a toy/teether! see the water on the table, that's from his sippy. he loves shaking/bouncing the sippy because he loves watching the water coming out of it.

Mar 14, 2005

of norah jones and gerber baby foods

i first heard of norah jones way back in college (i think so). she was a big hit, right? with all the grammy awards. but i was never into her music. well, i was never into jazz (so my taste for music is cheap).=) hehehe. and just recently, i hear bits of her songs played and i was like, "cool!" so i nagged my BNH (boyfriend now husband) to download some mp3 (sorry, i'm a theft, i patronized pirated) of norah jones. and so, i'm loving it and also my baby!

eeewwww, i just hate those gerber baby food products, the one in jars not the boxed cereals. it's no wonder miguel spit them all out! i'm amazed at some babies, miguel's cuz, who love gerber! i tasted them before giving them to miguel, and i find them yuck. but i give them to miguel anyway because i thought infants have different taste buds so he might like it. but he does not. i don't remember he was able to finish a spoonful of it. so our ref was like filled with opened gerber jars but not empty.

i tried different flavors of gerber in trying to find the delicious flavor but now i give up. i'm never going to buy any of those! i think all gerber bay food in jars flavors suck! just plainly eeewww... but the worst flavor for me is the carrots, i didn't even bother to give it to miguel. the noodle-chicken flavor was also major yuckkkk! just thinking of it makes me puke. good thing i don't have to buy them, saves me money!

Mar 10, 2005

tenterenten tenterenten

it's march 10 -meaning, miguel turns 7 months today! can you believe that? 5 more months, and he will be 1 year old and will be a big brother! =)))

oh no, i'm not yet ready for my baby to become a big boy! next time i'll know, he's going to be some sick boy inlove! oh no!!! no other girls going to kiss you, my baby!!! only mama and some female relatives, not some girl from your school or down the neighborhood or some girl you meet at some party or your bestfriend's sister! only mama!!!

Mar 8, 2005

bargain with GOD

it's been weeks that miguel is battling on and off with constipation. to the point that he's traumatized by it that some times he would hold off his poopoo maybe for fear of the pain and hurt.

as a mother, it would really crashed your heart seeing your baby crying and crying and trying to force his poo out of his system to no avail.

i had searched the internet for ways of relieveing constipation and asked the doctor and a lot of people how to do away with it. basically, they are more or less the same suggestions. from letting him drink more water, prune juice, letting him eat papayas, oats and others to the point that we even diluted his milk formula. we even have inserted countless suppository into his "bubot" but actually it was useless. i even have the thought of letting him drink some sour leftover milk so it would upset his tummy and thus resulted to diarrhea, just so he would not have hard time making poopoo.

there was one time that i hurriedly packed miguel stuffs and so ready to go to a hospital just to get help in having his poopoo out. but instead my MIL brought us to some local physician in our town. well, the doctor has the same advice. well, the only relieve i got from the doctor is peace of mind that at least miguel's stomach is just owkei.

for the past few weeks, every time i came home, the first greeting i would asked miguel's yaya is was he able to poopoo this day. and the answers would usually vary from owkei to not so owkei. well last night was the worst feedback/news i received from her yaya. she said that there was already some blood dripping from miguel's "bubot" and the poo was hard as "bagtok na yuta" (hard soil. sorry i have no better translation). and miguel was not in a good mood the whole day. actually, miguel was lying face down when i arrived with a very gloomy face. and, it really pains me watching him like that. he's usually up and every where... damn constipation!!!

well, good thing last night is that miguel sleep without much fight. it was around 4am that he woke up and was rolling around the bed, then after a few minutes and was able to find a corner in the bed, he stopped and was groaning/moaning ("utong") in silence fro quite some time. and i said to myself, oh no this is it again. i usually let mark take over when this kind of thing happens because i just can't bear seeing him in pain. so i just watch him and try to massage his back silently fearing that i would disturb his concentration. then after some time, i prayed to God to please let Miguel poopoo and get his constipation away from him and let me suffer instead. let me have the constipation instead, Lord. after a few whimpers, miguel just then go back to sleep (it's what he usually does after a gruelling poopoo session). i never thought he was able to get his poo out because when he woke up and got near to him, i smell something smelly. so i checked out his "bubot", there some good wet poopoo! i was and is veryyyyyyy happyyyy!!!

guess what, i was not able to poopoo this morning! God must be answering my prayer! =))) but nevertheless, i am the happiest to see miguel again happy and active and alert!

Mar 3, 2005

tricking miguel to eat

when he's outside!

since i and mark love to eat, i thought naturally miguel would be one too. however, it's not what i thought. so here's how i get miguel to eat some solid foods...

bath time is not that easy without this:

and, miguel and i would like to say thank you very much to andrea and her mother, athena, for letting us borrow this. mind you, good bathtubs for babies like this, can be pricey. and, andrea, i think this would be staying with us for a little longer. you know, we're going to have a new baby soon that needs some bathing. =)

Mar 2, 2005

damn, i need a cable connection!!!

AR7 starts today. and, studio23 is not airing it! oh why??!!?? is AR pretty much expensive already for studio23??!!

it's only airing over AXN. damn, i badly need a skycable connection. oh no!!! i'm in a dilemma!!!

try this... it's pretty fun...

though, i think this is not really true but it's fun... i tired posting miguel's pictures... and they have different results... in the first try he was BETA ARTIST, then BETA BOSS, then WHITE COLLAR...

though i haven't tried on my pic... mmmm

Mar 1, 2005

my baby 2004 update

mothers usually brag about their baby's talent, not really brag but more of proud. like, "my baby is only 3 months but she now can sing the A-B-C" or "my baby who is 6 months can now sommersault." and, mothers tend to compare their babies with other babies especially around 6 months (i'm not really sure with this info but i had read somewhere about this).

my baby, miguel, will be 7 months next week. on his 6-month check-up with his pedia. his pedia asked me what's miguel's new talent/development. i was dumbfounded, and was silent. i really can't think of any talent my baby has. but of course, i'm still proud of him and love him very very much!

the thing i most concerned with is miguel cannot yet sit on his own and has no interest of learning to sit. i would try to get him into a sitting position but instead insist on his favorite activity which is standing up and jumping up and down. if jumping up and down and waving his hands around can be considered as talent/development, then he is probably a master of this. he can though sit for awhile unsupported but still end up stumbling down.

while his ate mona (miguel's superb yaya) is concerned with the "close-open" talent. close-open, when the baby closes and opens his hands when you tell him close, open. a lot of times, i caught his ate mona teaching him close-open but she can't get anything from miguel. miguel would usually just stare at his ate mona's hands or sometimes just ignore her. then after some attempts, his yaya would usually say, "miguel oy, pila naman ko kabuwan nagtudlo nimog close-open di man japon ka kabawo!" i know this sounds sad but i can't help to laugh at this remark. OMG, it is really months, and miguel has no inch of interest learning the close-open.

there's also the eating-solid-foods milestone. kids of his age around neighborhood is pretty much good with solid foods. but with miguel, it's such a huge battle! you need to invest a lot of energy, time, talent, creativity just to get him to eat at least 4 bites. he can usually take 4 bites and the rest would be spitted, refused and he'd do anything just to get the food away from his mouth. it's actually frustrating to think about it!

my baby is lazy (but hopefully not). he knows how to hold his milk bottle but he won't do it. he would either have his bottle lean on a pillow for support or let you hold it for him. unless he's very hungry, he'll even snatch the bottle from you.

these are the talents/developments i have observe in my baby. i really don't know if tehy can be considered development. but what the heck!

1. he now pays attention to TV. i don't know if this is good as they say TV is bad for kids. though he's more interested in commercial especially shampoo commercials. though i read somewhere that babies are really attracted to shampoo commercials. even when he's asleep, when he hears a shampoo commercial airing, he would wake up for it. he also loves that tide commercial with that lito/laurence boy. that nivea/dove commercial where everything is white. the joy dishwashing soap commercial.
of all the cartoon shows i showed to him. he has a thing for "cushion kids".

2. is jumping up and down every now and then a talent?
3. how about biting/chewing on everything thats get into his hands?
4. how about pounding aimlessly on keyboard?
5. how about banging his hands on any surface?
6. how about blabbing mamamama to no particular person/thing?
7. how about screaming when he cannot get what he wants?
8. how about catching the spoon with food you're trying to feed him and then shake it to remove the food?
9. how about tongue's out?
10. how about blowing bubbles with his saliva?
11. how about draining his mama and papa off with their energy?
12. how about trying to be pa-cute to get what he wants?

my first baby


(hehehe... i'm too lazy to learn to use the scanner. this is easier.)

it's been awhile i haven't posted (though, i doubt someone really cares if i post or not) something. so here's an update about me. part of the reason why i've been silent for some time. 'been busy with work lately plus the baby 2005 and the baby 2004. i'm not complaining (defensive) but it's not easy having a very active almost-7-month baby and being almost-3-month preggy, you sometimes lose your mind! so who(m)ever found my mind, kindly keep it for a while and take care of it. my mind might be better off with someone else for now.

by the way, sex of the baby cannot be determined yet. hopefully, this time the baby whould be a girl. i can't wait to know the sex. so i could start buying (hopefully i have some cash to splurge) those pink flowery girly stuffs. i'm excited!

Feb 18, 2005

i don't know with this site but my boyfriend-now-husband really loves this site... he gets so animated talking about this site...

well, if u want to try this site, go to their community and read ther sort-of bulletin boards... it's kinda fun though especially when they have some image contest...

so now, go wooot!!!

Feb 4, 2005


can we have winter here in the philippines? so i could bundle up my baby in those cute overall onesies!

my childhood bestfriend

the girl with me, also holding a baby, is my bestfriend way back pre-kindergarten years. (in case, you don't know me, the skinny girl is who i'm talking about.) i've known her since my "awareness" of people around started. we're neighbors. we go to the same kindergarten and elementary school. we're classmates since kinder until we graduated elementary. we used to dress alike. wear those mighty kid shoes! to the point that some people think we're twins. so, i'm not fat when i was still a kid. or, was she fat when we're still kids? we join together those kiddie beauty pageants. and, used to imagine-play joining little miss philippines using combs for microphone and those rugs as center stage. got separated when we moved into the highschool life then fastforward. here we are now:

is it a coincidence that we get to be mothers almost at the same time? it could be a proof that we are really bestfriends! and to think we both have boys for first baby. and, i remember we also have pictures like these during sinulog in our town. with all those sinulog accessories. i should look for those pics.

by the way, her name is june roxanne and her baby is khalil! and she makes pastries really good!

Feb 1, 2005


can you see miguel's 2-front lower teeth here?

i guess, it's much clearer in this pic.

they say that if the 1st set of teeth grows on the lower gum, it means the kid is "mapahiubsanon", and if it's on the upper gum, it means the kid is "mapahitas-un." that's according to miguel's ate mona. =)

Jan 26, 2005

for the parents

September 13, 2003

10 things every new parent needs to know

By Laura Dolce
Times Herald-Record

My baby brother and his wife are expecting their first child in December and like those of us who've traveled this slippery slope before, they're preparing for the blessed event by gobbling up every parenting/new baby book they can find, like they're working toward a master's degree in parenting, or need to pass a baby bar exam.
Trouble is, the books only tell you so much – they play by the rules. And as every experienced parent knows, chances are there's no chapters titled "What to do if your son eats a Matchbox car," or "Help, my daughter stuck a Barbie shoe up her nose." And plenty of times when you really need them.
That's why I put together – for my brother and his wife and all those parents-to-be out there – my "Top 10 things all new parents need to know but will never find out from a book."
So hang on to your baby booties, 'cause here we go:

1 You will watch him breathe. A lot. You will, in fact, spend hours in his dark room watching his little chest rise and fall. Your world will hang on each shuddering, stuttering breath. You will find yourself straining to hear the sound of his breathing on the monitor, and bolt out of bed in the middle of the night to rest your hand gently on his chest to feel it rise. And this need doesn't disappear over time. Just last week, my 13-year-old demanded, "Why were you staring at me while I was sleeping?"

2 Your baby's world isn't sterile. Deal with it. I was once at a social gathering with a friend, his wife and their several-month-old daughter where every time their daughter's cup/pacifier/toy touched the ground, my friend's wife would bounce up from her chair, grab the now-offensive item in two fingers like it carried the bubonic plague and hustle off to the kitchen to boil it. This went on for hours, as the little tyke soon realized chucking something on the floor caused mommy to bounce up like a jack-in-the-box and run away.

3 Beware of grandparents. They seem innocent enough, what with the gaggle of gifts they fill the nursery with and the offers of help they rain down on you. But beware. A new grandbaby can turn your seemingly normal parents (or in-laws) into zombie-like beings driven by only one thought: Get to THE GRANDCHILD. It starts out subtly. They "happen to be in the neighborhood" carrying four cases of Pampers and 14 little stretchies they "picked up on sale." Next thing you know they're trying to arm-wrestle you for who gets to give baby his next bottle. If your parents' offers to "give you a break" are getting increasingly strident and they've taken to beginning every sentence with "My grandchild ..." you've got trouble. Short of a restraining order, there's not a lot you can do to solve this, so try to catch it before it gets too late.

4 Your child will eat dirt. More if he's a boy; less if she's a girl. But believe me, dirt-eating will take place. And you know what? Let it happen. You can't stop it, and you'll only make yourself nuts if you try. Repeat after me: A little dirt doesn't hurt, a little dirt doesn't hurt ...

5 You will wake him up just to hold him. That's right, you will pluck a sleeping baby out of his bassinet or crib just to see him smile when he wakes up and sees it's you. That's 'cause there's no late-night TV show that can compare with a gurgling baby. Note to second-timers: The saddest thing I ever read was an article about repeat parents that contained this line: "No one ever wakes a second baby just to see her smile." Right then and there, I decided I wouldn't let that happen. When my second came around, I woke her up plenty. This may be while she's a night owl today ...

6 He will change the way you feel about body fluids. Poop never looked so good. And you'll spend hours discussing its myriad facets: texture, consistency, frequency. None of this will strike you as odd or inappropriate. In fact, getting to know your baby's poop comes in handy. When he's first born, his poop will tell you how he's handling your breast milk/formula. As a toddler, it will tell you whether or not he's eating pocket change and just exactly where Great Aunt Miranda's diamond stud went. Toddler poop will also spur you on to that other rite of passage: potty training.

7 He will scare the crap out of you. When my daughter Emily was about 18 months old, she took a tumble down the stairs in our house. She cried for exactly 30 seconds, then picked herself up and went on her merry way. My husband and I sat on the top step shaking for a solid hour. My little one, Sarah, hurled herself out of her crib and onto her head – and into the emergency room – at 10 months old. I slept beside her next to her crib for the next three days. Kids will do that to you. They think they can fly and don't give a hoot what that does to your nerves. Nothing, I mean nothing, will ever scare you more than the thought of your child being hurt. Embrace the fear. It ain't going anywhere.

8 He will stick things where they don't belong. Pennies, Cheerios, paper clips will end up in his mouth, up his nose or down his diaper. On the bright side, by the end of his second year you'll be a whiz with a Q-tip.

9 You will turn into Conan the Barbarian. There will be times when you'll become a cross between Xena, Warrior Princess and Al Capone if someone threatens him in any way, like, for example, the brat down the street who didn't invite him to his birthday party, or the kid next door who stole his favorite truck, or his rotten kindergarten teacher who always wanted him to color inside the lines or ... You get the picture.

10 He will make you wonder what you ever did before he showed up. Dinners out? Weekends away? Uninterrupted sex? A thing of the past. Yet, each time you hold him in your arms, you'll wonder why you ever thought life before him was worth living at all.

online source:

Jan 25, 2005

Jan 24, 2005

i'm now a certified fax-machine savvy

a new work is added to my work which is faxing invoices. needless to say, i need to learn to use the fax machine. so now i'm congratulating my self for not making any troubles on my first try! for this day, i made a total of 13 pages being faxed!

now my problem is what will i do with these faxed printed copies! for sure there will be more to come...

Jan 20, 2005

byebye jonathan and victoria

if you're an amazing race follower, you surely know this couple. i know a lot of people hate this team and are praying that they be out of the race. i hate them too. i hate their team but i love them to be still in the race. admit it, their team surely added spice to the race. you can't wait for jonathan's next stunt.

i was hoping that aaron and his partner (is it hayden?), the actors couple, would be the one eliminated from the race yesterday.

except for lori and bolo, i find the other teams of AR6 unexciting and boring. they lack personality (whatever i want to mean by this). they pretty look the same. i can't even make out who's who in them.

i really miss chip & kim. i really miss chip's comments on the places they set foot on. AR5 was for me the best race!

Jan 18, 2005

100 Things About Me

i've read a lot 100 things about me on a lot of blogs. and, i feel like making one, for reasons i don't know. maybe, i feel like i'm some celebrity that everybody wants to know every nittygritty details about me. whatever! or maybe i could extend the list to 500...

here's the list...

1. my favorite color is ORANGE. no, make it, "I LOVE ORANGE!"

- so if you're having problem thinking of what to give me as a present or just for a surprise, just simply give me any orange stuff. rest assured, it will be greatly treasured!

2. i am an only child.

- and most of the people say i'm lucky. and i say, don't envy me! why the freak you think being alone equates to being lucky! i want siblings to share the scoldings and house chores and whatever things my mother wishes/requests me to do! and, on the positive side, i also want some siblings to share fun moments too!

3. i am chismosa to the nth power.

- ogie diaz is my idol. i eat showbiz balita for my breakfast, ogie diaz and niña corpuz. satuday tv watching is a switch between startalk and ek. and sunday afternoon are s-files and the buzz! for everyday sustainance are - showbiz balita on pilipinostarngayon,, yehey tabloids.

4. my real first name is ROSE.

- a lot of people ask me what's my real name. blame it on my father for giving me such a "unique" name. my father gave me a short name because he was afraid that i would not pass grade 1 because i might not know how to spell my name correctly.

5. i graduated valedictorian in elementary.

- and, there's nothing special about it. i still end up as an average, sometimes/most of the time not-average, college student. i just post this as a reply to my father, refer to #4. i'm even ashamed of this fact.

6. i'm guilty of eavesdropping.

- this is in connection to #3.

7. of all the songs that came to be my favorite, "four seasons of loneliness" by boyz II men never exited the list. i simply do not get tired of this song.

8. i hate mondays and fridays except if payday falls on these days.

- can't we have 4-day weekend?!

9. i prefer shoes over clothes. i simply adore sneakers. but i definitely cannot afford them to have a shoe collection.

- currently, i only have 2 pairs of "wearable" shoes. poor me!!!

10. i prefer sappy mushy sometimes pathetic pinoy love-story movies over foreign love story movies.

- pinoy love stories do simply have a lot of kilig factors for me!

11. i go for "pansit" over spaghetti! siopao over burger!

- you think chinese food does not make me sick?

12. i hate my indecisiveness.
13. i am a hanky person.
14. i'm pro-gay union.

- and it's because of this couple here.

15. the first album i ever bought is "Dangerous" by michael jackson. i was big fan of him back then.
16. christmas is my most favorite holiday of the year!
17. i fear rejection!
18. i heart tiGGer!
19. egg yolks make me puke! even its smell...
20. i loooveee rain!!!

- it makes me want to snuggle and cuddle and dooze off!

21. one of my ultimate dream is to have a beautiful nice sexy pair of feet which does not make me curl my toes or hide them when wearing some sexy strappy sandals.

- my mother usually describe my feet as "mang-uuma's" feet. i'm not saying farmers have some ugly feet. owkei?

22. off all the high-tech gadgets that cam to be known this century, celphone does amaze me.

- and i can't live without one now. i don't know with others but i feel so isolated without this.

23. the name of my first pet dog is "punky". i was like 6 years old when i have it.
24. i am PRO-LIFE but i respect pro-choicers.
25. i am nearsighted since i was 12. eyeglasses became part of my life back then.
26. the first time i was confined in a hospital was when i gave birth to miguel.
27. i need to be sliced to get the baby out of my tummy.
28. blood is fear factor for me.

this is for now. 72 more to go...


in our restrooms, one of the cubicles in it has the "FOR DIRECTORS AND MANAGERS ONLY" sign on its front door. i'm just wondering if this is common in other companies/offices too...

from the previous company i was in, the comfort rooms are for everybody. so when i got into this new company, this is one of the first things that caught my attention. my reaction was like, "really???"

to get a feel of being a director/manager, i used this "special" cubicle one time. oh well, there's no difference actually with the rest of the cubicles. it still is tissueless, no ass-wipers!!! and it's a manual flush. the only thing is you get to smooch your ass with the director's/managers' asses too. so now your ass is a beso2x amiga of the heads' asses. whatever!

Jan 17, 2005

this is a test if photobucket really works

miguel's soon-to-be-playmates

sara fatima is one month younger than miguel.

carlo jose is four months younger than miguel. he's actually miguel's younger uncle.

these pics are both taken on cj's baptismal day.

well, i see that photobucket really works... you can try this at for those who haven't heard about this.

Jan 14, 2005

sinulog is around the corner

these past few days, i can feel that sinulog is fast approaching with the heavy traffic!

i love sinulog but i hate the traffic!

i love fridays because it means weekend is coming but i hate it too because i usually feel drained on friday. it's like after 4 days with 10 hours each day working, it's just exhausting. can i just pass on friday, and go straight to weekend!?! i'm now here in the office with a heavy head. i'm sooo sleepy, God help!

i'm whining so muchhh!!!

by the way, it's payday but i'm not excited!

Jan 12, 2005

Personal Budget
i just also found this recommended by . well, i'm really going to try to use this because i'm pretty much desperate to try to save!!! freak, i got a baby who consumes 1kg of milk formula in just 10 days... God help me!

actually, you can access it directly on your microsoft excel software. just go to templates, then select "personal budget."

Jan 11, 2005

chow time

i can't wait for that day that we're going to enjoy those kiddie meals and happy meals. i can't wait for that day to watch your sheer delight seeing those jollibee/mcdo logos. (hey peeps, this is just a thought owkei, i'm not going to blow supersize my kid and i'm not an advocate of foods from fastfood chains. but don't you just love seeing the children's delight upon seeing a mcdo/jollibee this-way sign. =) it makes you buy all the kiddie/happy meals for him/her. =)) )


my baby's toothless smiles - just priceless. i just love waking up every morning greeted by those toothless smiles. but i'm going to say goodbye to those toothless smiles, one tooth is showing up already.

let this be my farewell speech to his being toothless and my welcome speech to his one-front tooth!


as i had my lunch
as i thought about leaving
an opportunity was presented
a door was opening --------------------> oy aha na diay ka? aha ka balhin, baye?

Jan 6, 2005

LOVE project

i was planning way back last year that i would make some postcard kinda thing of miguel which i could keep and give out to his ninangs and ninongs and friends and whoever wanted it for christmas. it's past christmas and new year and three kings, and still i have done nothing over it. well, i could not find time to do it and my little creative side does not perk up yet . owkei, i admit i'm plain lazy after miguel's birth.

hopefully, i could start on it this weekend. but this is not a promise. so, i'll start badgering Changkol (miguel's uncle) to get a nice cute picture of him which i could use. i don't like the studio kind of picture. i like it more being candid and colorful with a very kiddy atmosphere. mmmm, you think i sound too much?

my daily routine in office

1. greet the door keeper (guard)
2. log-in
3. boot the PC and log-in
4. roam around the office for some chika and food
5. back to my cubicle which is owned by honey
6. open the microsoft outlook
7. open 4 IE's
8. read the emails (which are usually broadcast emails) on my outlook
9. open the freshstart
10. open,,
11. surf and roam around the information superhighway in between answering customers' emails (my work)
12. then think about food, the chines lumpia down in yumyum tree
13. then post some nonsense on multiply to divert my thoughts on food
14. because i'm too lazy to move, i discreetly eat my lunch in cubicle which is a no-no here in my office
15. then go to the restroom
16. stop by the water station
17. back to cubicle
18. repeat 11, 12, 13
19. then repeat 13 many times until i can't help my self but grab a chinese lumpia or any food
20. then reason out it's owkei, they're veggies anyway - they wont ruin your diet. yes, i'm on endless diet state which i think won't work unless i move my butt and do some real exercise.
21. after finishing some food, repeat 11, 12, 13
22. then wait for the time to go .

wowww!!! only 22 steps?? how exciting!

Jan 4, 2005

not yet baby

my baby, miguel, will be 5 months this january 10. one more month and he will be 6 months - it's like he's a half-year old already! oh no, i don't want my baby to grow up and older yet! i just want him to be stucked in his almost 5-month age. i can't seem to get enough of him yet -
his gibberish cooings,
his wake-up smiles,
his peaceful sleep,
his rolling over and over around the bed/crib,
his pitiful cries,
his cunning/devious cries,
his no-tears cries,
his whimpering,
his habit of putting every thing that gets into his hands inside his mouth,
his little antics of his own,
his habit of coughing to get your attention,
his reaching and pulling his "binitay" toys,
his sweaty head,
his shouts and chants early in the morning,
his weeweeing and pooing,
his milk-smell mouth,
his being hyper-active,
his being such a chismoso baby,
his smiles and excitement when being bath,
his enchantment and sparkling eyes every time he sees christmas trees with lights on,
his curiosity,
his love for fishes,
his smiles,
his tantrums,
his short attention span,
his interest on chewing books,
his losing interest on a toy,
his showing great interest on a new toy,
his morning battle against eating some solid foods,
his innocent eyes which pops,
his little interest on dora the explorer,
his chuckles, giggles, snickers, hoots, snorts, chortle
his way of expressing amusement,
his jumping up and down,
his onesies,
his rashes,
his sweaty smell,
his fresh-bath smell,
his unkempt hair,
his nails which needs constant trimming,
his small socks, small shoes,
his attention-seeking attitude,
his special attachment to his yaya,
his constant wailing when he's not being carried,
his trying hard to sleep on his own,
his sad face,
his sleepy face,
his drools,
his being hard-headed,
and just about any thing and every thing about him. i could go on and on.

i can't imagine him being a big boy and doing every thing on his own. i don't like for that day to arrive (not soon) that he'd no longer sleep beside me or needs me for his milk/titi. i don't like that day to arrive that he will not fit in onesies any more, when i can't dress him up with those pooh/disney-characters printed onesies, when he can trim his own nails already.


i kinda feel excited for this coming sinulog!!! i can't wait to see what's in store for me this coming event! mmmm...

Jan 3, 2005

i really don't know the real purpose of this site.

however, i have fun using this site to save my favorite links/urls/sites/webpage. this has really came in good use to me as i cannot save on "Favorites" in our office computer. i guess you get what i mean if you work in an office with overly-restricted PC units.

myBIGFATself - HELP!!!!

pleeeaasseee somebody help me! i feel soooo super huge! i need a fast easy (meaning no exercise needed) cheap way to lose some weight. i'm pretty much desperate!

i'm always on the heavy side however this time is my heaviest. i just can't conceal it any more. it's all showing and i'm feeling it! and it's no gooodd! it's sooo bad that mirrors are now my number 1 enemy. i feel like every part of my body is bulging! oh, bulges, please get away!

how i wish i could just scrub off those fats! i better start reading that South Beach Diet.

i promised myself to control my food intake strating today! I'M NOT GONNA EAT TODAY, I'M NOT GONNA EAT TOMORROW COZ I'M GONNA BE A SUPERMODEL!!! yes, i'm going to starve my self to death. but with my supersize now, i feel like even if i starved my self to death, it won't help!

oh Lord, please help me. i don't care if i won't get a raise after six months, just please make me thin! a raise and a sexy body are also very welcome! also, Lord, please make my taste buds insensitive to foods though i'm quite scared if this would happen.

your negative remarks about my physical beauty are all very welcome! your remarks could be a great inspiration!

this is for the TECH SUPPORTS out there
but i don't have a copy of this book. mmmm, wish i could find a way to get my hands on this one...

just read the excerpts, so funny!