
Sep 11, 2014

Goals and Bawls

There are 2 main goals why I've been scratching a lot on "fun runs." 

One ia to get a web app penetrate the local market ( which i'm kinda failing at, but on the other side is that i learned a lot. 

Second is i wanted to be NEDBANK, who can sponsor athletes or something like that. So any way, after months of staring at the countless drafts of sponsorship packages for, i have finally the nth final draft! :) 

But along creating drafts after drafts of sponsorship packages, i pulled this out from the inclusions and made it stand-alone -- Sponsored Athlete package. 

This is an experiment, and i'm not really sure if this will really work! But i'm really hoping I can make it work until such time that businesses will get attuned to get local talented athletes as "paid endorsers." :)

And, i'm going to be working with! I'm mentioning it here so that i haz proof, and mark cannot back out from this deal!!! :)

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