
Dec 22, 2004


guess what i've got! just when you are not looking for it - it will suddenly pop out of nowhere!

few hours ago, i was at robinsons to look for some ATM machine to get some cash. since i'm already there, i did some roaming around, checking some stuffs when finally i came to the kids section in their depratment store. there it is! the first thing that caught my attention was a BABY BOUNCER (please see the picture). for those who read my previous post, you'd know how desperate i am to get a hand on it. its brand is BABY 1st. i was hoping for a GRACO but they don't have it in this brand. it's called bumper jumper in GRACO. well, i'm sure that BABY 1st comes more affordable so that adds more smile to my face and my pocket!

but still, graco or not, i am just soooooooooo happy to get one of these bouncers, after all the searching i've been through. i bought it in a blink of an eye! i don't care if i zeroed my debit card! i really want to have it! i can't contain my happiness! i feel like i just meet a very long lost dear friend! i was really all smiles and hopping and jumping on my way back to my office!!!

one of the reasons why i really wanted this is because of a very active baby. and, i mean really active like who does not care about sleep any more. and being up means bouncing up and down, so you have to constantly carry/hold him to a standing position so he could do his business of jumping and jumping! and, we (i, his papa, and beloved ate mona) are not energizer bunny who could go on and on and on. and, he's not getting lighter!

now that i have it. my only problem now is - will my baby like it?!? we'll see! now, i can't wait to go home and try this on my baby!!! =))) (more smiles)

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