
Apr 19, 2013

UI < UX (User Experience Diagram)

This diagram was taken from the book, About Face 3 by Alan Cooper. I love the book. It's kind of textbook-y but it's a good read for someone starting in software designing. I read this when I had the delusion of becoming a UX designer. (Anyhoo, I have quite a few pdf books about 

So the diagram explains the UX, user experience, idea. There was a time I could not get what do people mean by UX (user experience) and UI (user interface). Some designers would call theirselves UI/UX designer so I thought both are the same. Until I came across about UX in About Face 3 book.

I could no longer remember the exact explanation of the diagram but the gist is that UX (user experience) is a combination of Form, which I think is the UI (user interface), Content, and behavior (interaction designers).

Anyhoo, I just posted this to keep a record of this diagram before I lost it in my 101 archives of files.

There is also a good discussion about this, difference between UX and UI, on quora here >>.

So now at least we'll not get confused as to what to put under our name. =)

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