
Aug 10, 2014

Migi's 10th, my 10th of being a "mother"

Happy 10th birthday, migi boy!

Meaning, i've been a mother/parent for 10 years. Funny how I was so sure of becoming a mother until you came, and you totally turn it upside down.

You're everything not on the dreamy cover of glossy parenting magazines. 

By the time you were handed to my hospital room, it was horror. You seem to be always crying, demanding, and you introduce the real meaning of sleep-deprivation. That sleep-deprivation from
School/work, that's a joke! I would be very happy to pay the doctor to put you back inside my tummy just so I can sleep uninterrupted even for an hour, take a decent poo time.
I then started to reject friends' invitations because i felt bitter seeing single friends having all the carefree fun.
You grow up chubby and cute toddler (from a mother's point of view) then you start biting other kids and throwing tantrums in public places, Ate Mona got into a few troubles because of that. 
And, just when I thought I have a genius baby, I got a pre-school rejection on my face from a school directress. Yes, we failed at your very first school entrance exam, and how I felt so unfit of being a mother.

But i guess all is good, I learned to look beyond and deeper the glossy magazines, the sanitized prestigous institutions. Well, i'd like to believe that! And, just generally, i learned or acted to be tougher since you're giving me a hard time to becoming that fabulous-looking team-kramer kind of mommy. 

The party was friday care of, as usual, Ate Mona! The dimsum treats from Ate Mona (if you want to order, contact me) and Mareee Flor's choco crinkles!
Thanks to all the kids who came to celebrate it with us!

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