
Mar 5, 2014


It's pronounced something like "pichacha," which means chatter in Japanese.

I took time to join it because i was using the "term", and I wanted to see the real deal.

It was those rare events that is not running-related. :) i saw a few familiar faces from the techtalk meetups. It's been awhile.

At gilt, crossroads banilad
In the center, Dexter Bongo, one of the presenters. M
Jay of gilt.
Nicole Padin, and Paola Galan, the main organizer. i cannot wait for her presentation soon.
The happygaraje couple, looking forward to this couple's presentation too.
The 2nd presentation by Ravi :)
The 4th presentation was about Philippines.
The 4 speakers: jesslee cuizon for, Ravi & Willirei of, Dexter of travel for a cause.
Up close w/ Jesslee.
Up close with Ravi & 'Rei. 'Rei always surprises: from being such a fast runner to talented photographer, yoga, and the many in betweens!

For more info about pechakucha, check 

I love it's laidback format kind of presentation. Nothing too technical like startup meetups, and nothing too focused on one topic like the running events. It was come what may.

The oRganizer is planning to do it monthly for a start. So just check / like the pechakucha cebu page here join the next events.

The founders

It made me think if my life will be presented in 20 slides, what will be there?

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