
Feb 21, 2007


My mother
is a GSIS pensioner. This January, she did not receive her monthly pension
check instead she received a notification to apply for eCARD because all GSIS
payments now are via eCARD. She received it around 3rd week of
January but the letter is dated December 15, 2006.

We went
there to apply for that ecard. Then, they said it will be released 3-4 weeks.
We will receive a text once it is released.

After 3
weeks, we did not get that text message. My mother who can’t wait decided to
call GSIS for like 3 days but they’re unreachable because their line is always
busy. And, they only have 1 telephone number for inquiries, I think. I wonder
what happen to other numbers. I remember they have a globe number before.

To make my
mother happy, I went to their office to follow-up the status. I was glad to
know that my mother’s ecard is available for pick-up. So the day after, I
brought my nanay to pick it up.

We then ask
the assigned person disbursing the ecards if her January and February pensions
can already be withdrawn. The GSIS staff answered with after 3-4 weeks. Wow, they
surely are fond of 3-4 weeks!

I applauded
GSIS for having this eCARD but there are just some wrongs in here:

First, they
should have not stopped sending out the monthly checks until one can withdraw money from the eCARD. I think they know that some people/families are depending
on their retirement pensions.

they should have a way where people can follow-up without going to their
office. I actually saw people there from far-away towns like me to follow-up on
their eCARDS and they’d just get a reply of, ‘Wa pa man, ma’am. Balik lng 1
week after.’ And, please note kapila na tawn sila nag balik2x.

Third, they
should not remove the option of receiving the pension via check. The pensioner
needs to physically go there to apply for that eCARD. So you would see there
lots of old people on wheelchair applying for eCARDS. It does not look so
convenient.  Most of the pensioners are
senior citizens who are not so technically updated especially those who are not
from the city. One example is my nanay. She flipped when she saw an Expiry date
on her ATM card. (It has an expiry date because it’s Visa electron.) How would
those far from the city withdraw their money like my nanay? I saw lots of
really old people going to the GSIS office just to ask why they get this such
and such message on the ATM machine and some even asking how to use it. Anyway,
at least something new for them.

End of


aubrey n.. said...

yea, that's really nothing new with some of our goverment agencies. it's good that they're getting advanced in their technologies but wala cla naghuna2x sa natawo pag 1940's. whoever suggested that atm thing must have gotten so much money that he/she didn't think of the effect on some people. it also says there rosie, that they can apply for eCard online. hhuuwaaaah?! wa gani kaila unsa nang internet ang uban.. haaaay.. whiny whiny.. paet!

sHaboM daBoN said...

hMmm.. iL whiNe baK coZ kaReL8 juD ko RuZzz, asiDe froM my unReconciLed recoRd sa iLa (aNd that GoEs 4 aLmost aLL stafF n d oFiz) i wuZ piSsd juD witH thaT ecArd+ enRoLMent... :) wE wEre giVen a sKed sA oFiZ 2 go 2 GSIS 2 upDate oUr recOrds BuT tHen 8 wUz poStponD tWice, w/o noTice at That... sOme riLy wEnt thEr (coZ cNt aCceSs thEir PhoNE oR basin "buSy toNE" iLang ring baCk :) ) jst 2 b infOrmd tHat theY r nOt doNe wiD d 1sT batcH stiLL (i tHnk dats d pEnsioNers) so wE hav 2 w8 Lng dAw... nO proBs, bUt the tHing s prior 2 tHat tHey gaVe us a SkeD (n paPeR) & diDnt eVen bother 2 hoLLer na d diAy maDayun :) wat tHa!!! ...hassLe...

kaloy bugoy said...

hi, copy and paste the article and email to and really blow off some steam. my mom is a retired school teacher and is getting her pension via ecard too. more or less the same story.

nina lorraine said...

and you notice how arrogant there staffs and clerks get? i dont know with governmemnt offices but i had the same rants a few months back about 2 govt offices. they easily tell you to come back not even feel a bit of consideration that i went there straight from work so no sleep just to get number 125 something, i waited for 4 hours to get my 10-minute opportunity to be at window 3 to be told that i need to go back tomorrow?? and you cant even ask them why properly because imagine this rosee, she told me 'ayaw nalang cge pangutana, sunda nalang akong gisuwat dnhi' oh she made my day gyud! i never went back until a year after.. =p that was when i had to process my passport. bwisit kaau!

kaloy bugoy said...

hehehe! there's always the office of the ombudsman-visayas. you can actually write the anti-graft office a letter and ask it to follow up your transaction for you.

rose buenconsejo said...

hala oy. maowaw man sad ko ana. pero di ba sunstar is garcia? garcia is gsis? =)

rose buenconsejo said...

tagaan lng nato'g chance. =) anyway, i think they're trying man sad their best cguro... =)

rose buenconsejo said...

hi, all.

sadly, mao jud ni state mostly sa government offices. (excpt sa inyo, grash. =)) don't let me start with my other stories. heheheh.. we can't do much about it. =) kita ray alkansi if masuko ta. so let's just close our eyes, and say a prayer or two for our gov't offices.

sHaboM daBoN said...

hAhaH! exCeptioN juD rUuZzz?!!! :) 4TunateLy (mOst of tHe tyM) wE r nOt dEaLing wiTh thE puBLic diRectLy.. & wE dnT hav trAnsaCtioNs liKe thoSe... bUt m wiTh u dEar, u cAn saY thaT aGen :) i hav mY oWn s2Ries to teLL... & theY eXcEed boiLing poiNt ;)

mimi herrera villaruel said...

hi rose. part of me believes we can actually do something about it. pero unsaon man nga inig-report nato sa ilang gibuhat, wala ra man say action buhaton ang mga boss. mo-action lang siguro kung mapa-citizen patrol! i'll never forget my experience with SSS, nakaanak gyud ko the following week! na HB kog maayo nila uy. mga taray ug hinay manglihok!

aldi gamallo said...

right on! ana jud nang mga govt ofcs, inefficient pa, bastos pa og mga empleyado, basing on my experience on several govt offices---SSS,City Health,DEP-Ed, NBI, LTO...og uban pa...i wonder if naka graduate ba jud na og hi-skul ila mga empleyado or wa lang jud tudlu-i og pamatasan sa ila ginikanan?

rose buenconsejo said...

and, i thought they're one of the better gov't office. though i was not so happy when i had to line up so early in the morning like 6am just to get a priority number for some ID pic just right after i gave birth.

wat happen diay sa imo, mims?