
Aug 13, 2012

Death Plans?

With news of tri-athletes dying on ironman races made us think about the odds of doing this kind of endurance sport. But what I realized is how we have plans of how to LIVE, but not much of us plan on how to DIE. We can probably narrate our various grand plans on what we want to do in each phase / age / quarter of our life, but not much when it comes to dying, except buying a memorial plan.

Before death on ironman races came out, I already have a plan on how I want to die. It was inspired by death of Caballo Blanco (Micah True). He died while he was running on a trail. If you had read "Born to Run" book, you already have an idea why his death is sort of symbolic. But if not, google can help. =) So the point is he died while he went out for a run on a trail, he died while doing what he loved and what he was passionate about -- running.

My death plan is to die in an ironman race. I'm no tri-athlete. But I love watching ironman videos. The raw pure human soul is just so amazing at ironman (or any endurance sport). Except for 10-20% of elite / professional ironman participants, the rest are just typical "average" (physical-wise) people who do it without getting any thing, monetary, in return. Thus, it's always a wonder why these people are putting theirselves in such "torture" for nothing? There must be something more than the world-can-understand that fuel them to get thru an ironman.

If you've been watching ironman videos, one tri-athlete that is consistently shown is Sister Madonna, an 80-year old nun who is usually present in Kona Ironman Hawaii. (You can find a nice short story of Sister Madonna Burder here >>.)

I fear growing very old. I always think that 65 is my sweet spot to die. I'm more scared of growing old, than dying. So when I saw Sister Madonna, I thought to myself that if I get to reach beyond 65, I will join Ironman. I want to actively seek out my death. I want to meet and greet it, look it in the eye. I want to hold death in my hands.

Of course, God may have different plans but I'll do what I can do. I don't want to be lying in bed, or do nothing, but wait for my death.

So the first tidbit of news I heard about the casualty in the recent Cobra Ironman in Cebu, my first impression was COOL! That's the way I want to go. But later on, I felt my reaction was quite blunt when I realized that he was a husband of a runner, who I am familiar.
Photo credit: John Domingo
But this image poster by Tony Galon pretty sums up of what everyone feels about the incident.
Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life.
So, dear death, see you in my ironman race!

(Quite apt as my 1st post here. I'm trasfering my blog here.)

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