
May 17, 2012

A Great Demand of Organic Products in Cebu

Cebu Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association was conceived in a matter of minutes, literally. The founding members were all attendants of the seminar on natural farming system conducted by the Department of Agriculture in July 2006. It was the last day of a series of seminars for the whole month of July when a DA personnel suggested to the attendees to form an association to put meaning to what they had learned from the seminar. Everybody was agreeable to the idea so, right then and there, just before the seminar came to a close, they decided to elect a set of interim officers. Thus COFGA was born.
I stumbled on COFGA (Cebu Organic Farmers Gardeners Association), and seeing the comments on their About Us page shows that there's a great demand for organic products. Wow!

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